Exciting news for FCL patrons! Many of you already enjoy Hoopla, a platform in our eLibrary collection available to FCL cardholders. On Hoopla, you can download or stream a wide variety of eBooks, eAudiobooks, movies, TV shows, and music.
Now, thanks to Hoopla's newest BingePass, patrons can now enjoy thousands of online arts and crafts classes from Creativebug with just one borrow! The Creativebug BingePass offers video classes taught by top artists and downloadable resources that teach you how to crochet, knit, paint, draw, sew, quilt and more.

What is a BingePass?
BingePass is a service on Hoopla that allows you to borrow 7 days of unlimited streaming access to their partner platforms like Creativebug. Borrowing a BingePass uses just one of your monthly Hoopla borrows while giving you access to an entire collection of content! FCL cardholders can use up to 8 Hoopla borrows a month.
Below are a few of the popular BingePass collections available to borrow. Click the button below to visit Hoopla's website and browse the full list of available BingePass collections. More BingePass collections are added regularly!
How to Use Hoopla
You can access Hoopla using a web browser or by downloading the app onto any mobile device.
Get the app: iOS | Android | Amazon
Open Hoopla in Your Web Browser
To Access Hoopla:
- Register for a Hoopla account by visiting hoopladigital.com or using the Hoopla app on your mobile device. You will need to provide an email address, create a password, and have your Library account information ready.
- Get started by selecting Browse on your computer or, in the app, selecting a format that you'd like to explore (Audiobooks, Comics, eBooks, Movies, Music, TV, or BingePasses). Search for a specific title by clicking on the Search box or magnifying glass.
- To borrow a title, click on the title and then click the Borrow button. Your borrowed titles can be played right after borrowing, and are found under the My Hoopla tab. FCL cardholders can use up to 8 borrows a month on Hoopla!
- Borrowed titles will be automatically returned when your lending period is over.
Using Hoopla BingePass
- Select Browse on your computer or, in the app, select BingePasses from the list of format options.
- To borrow a BingePass, click on the BingePass and then click the Borrow button. Your BingePass can now be accessed by clicking on the Play Titles button. It can also be found under the My Hoopla tab.