Farmington Community Library

Looking for your next great read?
Looking for your next great read?
Check out the top 50 books checked out by our patrons so far in 2024 in each age group!
Disability Support Collection
Disability Support Collection
Check out these recently added items like the OrCam MyEye Pro, a wearable, voice-activated device capable of real-time text reading, smart reading, barcode reading, color detection, and more that assists users with low vision.
1,000 Books before Kindergarten!
1,000 Books before Kindergarten!
This program encourages you to read 1,000 books to your child before kindergarten to help them be better prepared for school. We host fun events to celebrate your progress along the way, and you will earn a free book bag and hardcover children's book!
Virtual Author Talks & Recordings
Virtual Author Talks & Recordings
Register for upcoming talks from bestselling authors and thought leaders facilitated by the Library Speakers Consortium. Recordings of past events are also available for viewing.
Services for Seniors
Services for Seniors
Check out our senior outreach locations and schedule, programs, and other Library resources for seniors!
Shop our new FCL Store!
Shop our new FCL Store!
Shop Library tote bags, t-shirts and FCL swag galore.
Upcoming Events
09/15/24 @ 12:00 AM
Library Extravaganza
09/15/24 @ 01:00 PM
Teen Advisory Board
09/16/24 @ 06:30 PM
2024 Extravaganza Facebook
Library Extravaganza | September 15, 1-5 p.m.
Explore everything that FCL offers at this special open house event! Discover unique items in the Library’s collections, play curling in the parking lot, snap a photo on our red carpet runway, and more. There will be live music, food trucks, lawn games, and giveaways.
Online Learning & Databases

Learn professional skills, develop hobbies, build your business & more.

Our Online Learning and Research Databases collection includes instructor-led courses, interactive learning modules for kids, academic databases, live tutoring, and so much more.

Library News
This is your chance to create a library card design for the Farmington Community Library! The library represents many things to different people. Your design should celebrate the Library community, services, or an experience you have had at FCL. What does that mean? It is up to each artist to interpret!
*No Increase to Local Tax Rate* On November 5, 2024, Farmington and Farmington Hills voters will be asked to consider a 20-year renewal of the Farmington Community Library’s summer operating millage.
The Farmington Community Library is excited to offer a treasure trove of digital resources through our eLibrary collection. With just a few clicks, you can access a wide array of eBooks, magazines, eAudiobooks, movies, music, and more!  The Library has two primary applications for eBooks and other digital content, Libby and Hoopla. We also offer a variety of platforms designed specifically for kids and beginning readers.
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